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Find out more about how Lymphatic Drainage or Osteopathy can help you and your bub.
Find out more about how Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy or Oriental Therapies can support you.
No MLD is a massage modality that uses a variety of light, rhythmic strokes to stimulate and move fluid through your Lymphatic System. It may feel gentle however the benefits are profound!
Lymphatic Massage is most beneficial to help those people who’s Immunity or Circulation is really suffering and poor (such as those who have had repeated Flu or Covid / Infection). Anyone who has had recent surgeries with swelling still in the body or individuals managing Chronic Pain conditions like Fibromyalgia.
Some people who have particular heart problems are advised against getting Lymphatic treatment as returning extra blood and fluid to the heart could place extra strain on their system. For these people, we advise you first booking an Appointment with the Osteopath first to see what can be done for your symptoms.
Shiatsu incorporates assisted stretches and joint mobilisation to release tension and support the musculoskeletal and nervous system, making it a deeply relaxing and replenishing complementary therapy. It is inclusive of the Oriental medicine view that health is dependent on all parts of the body functioning together and living a balanced lifestyle.
Not quite massage, not quite acupuncture, Shiatsu uses the application of pressure with palms, thumbs, fingers, elbows, forearms, knees & feet to specific energy pathways (meridians) & points (tsubo). In this way, Shiatsu brings fluidity into the body through stimulation of blood & Qi circulation. Qi is energy and can be understood as the life force supporting and enabling existence, impacting our sense of wellbeing in both mind and body.
Freely moveable clothes that have some stretch in them such as track pants, shorts, leggings or t-shirt.
It is an understanding of the way our body moves and is influenced by all of its parts; inclusive of emotion, spirit and physical body.
Either through massage or the combination of various Osteopathic techniques, we are able to bring the body to a neutral state. From this place we simply place our hands on the body and allow its own therapeutic forces to take hold, heal and revitalise old injuries, compressions or restrictions.
No, apart from physical pain people also come for ‘alignment in life’, or ‘finding support to deal with a difficult situations in life or health problems’.
Spinal Energetics is a powerful treatment technique that unlocks stress, trauma and tension from your body. It can remove past limiting beliefs, generational patterning or trauma.
Through touch, and sometimes no touch, Makensie facilitates the unwinding and releasing of tension from your body and spine. You may notice movement, changes in breath, and the feeling of different sensations or emotions moving through your body.
No, Depending on the energetic layer being released, you may experience a sense of happiness, joy, bliss, or relaxation. Alternatively, you may shake and tremble if releasing pain and trauma. Makensie facilitates these shifts by working through energetic layers in your being, including physical, emotional, and mental layers.